Informal action
Employers and employees can take informal action to resolve an issue early, especially if the matter is not serious, is a one-off, or is unlikely to happen again.
Raising an issue early
The earlier an issue is raised, the more likely it is that confusion or further conflict will be avoided, the relationship will be protected, and a positive outcome will result.
Unresolved issues can cause unnecessary stress and negatively impact people at work and outside of the workplace.
Waiting can also increase the cost of resolving the issue and people may run out of time to bring formal action. It can be tempting to hope that the problem will fix itself or go away, but this is unlikely to happen if it is not addressed. In some situations, the other person may not even know that there is a problem.
Employees raising an issue
Sometimes an Any person, whatever their age, who is employed by an employer to do any work for hire or reward under a ‘contract of service’ (commonly called an ‘employment agreement’). An individual or organisation that hires 1 or more employees and contracts them to work in exchange for wages or salary under a ‘contract of service’ (commonly called an ‘employment agreement’).
- are not sure they are getting paid correctly
- want to check how their leave and holiday entitlements are being calculated
- are unhappy with changes to their hours or working arrangements
- need to come clean about a mistake they have made
- are bothered by something at work
- have a health and safety concern
- want to apply for negotiated carer leave.
Note that there will always be:
- topics that are not easy to talk about
- situations where people are not sure what to say or feel uncomfortable
- differences in opinion.
It is not always easy raising issues with an employer, but employees can, if they wish, bring a support person like their An organisation that supports and advocates for employees in the workplace. Unions bargain for collective agreements and help employees with information and advice about work-related issues.
Situations where an employee might not approach their employer directly
There may be situations where an employee feels uncomfortable about raising an issue with their employer directly or on their own, for example, if:
- their employer is
harassing or bullying themAny unwanted and unjustified behaviour which another person finds offensive or humiliating. The behavior must be serious or repeated, and have a negative effect on the person’s employment, job performance or job satisfaction.
- they are afraid of their employer
- their employer is located in a different area
- they cannot communicate with their employer directly because of language difficulties.
In these situations, employees should seek advice. This could be from their:
- union
- workmate or trusted manager
- workplace human resources person
- health and safety representative
- workplace
Employee Assistance Programme A service that provides free, confidential counselling and support for employees for all aspects of their lives, not just work.
- legal representative
- local community law centre or citizens’ advice.
Employers raising an issue
Sometimes an employer may want to raise a minor concern or issue with an employee. In these situations, it might not be necessary or useful to follow a A formal procedure followed by employers to address misconduct and decide on the appropriate disciplinary action. A tool managers can use to help under-performing employees improve their work performance.
Cautioning an employee
An employer may choose to caution an employee, advising that if the change does not happen a more formal disciplinary process may be required. A caution can also be used during informal management of performance. If there is no improvement or visible effort made by the employee, the employer may put a formal performance improvement in place with the employee.
These sorts of issues do not need to be a big deal. Good communication between employers and employees helps to build good The way in which employers, employees, and sometimes unions, relate and behave towards each other. An employment relationship starts when an employee accepts an offer of employment.