The basics of workplace change
Employers making workplace changes that could affect employees’ jobs must have genuine business reasons, consult with their employees, and follow a fair and reasonable process.
Workplace change process
Information for employers to learn about the steps they need to follow when making workplace changes, including consultation and implementing the changes.
Restructuring when a business is sold or transferred
If a business, or part of it, is going to be sold or transferred to another party, the employer must follow a set of rules that apply to the transfer of work.
When your employer goes into liquidation or bankruptcy
Find out what to expect if your employer has gone into liquidation or bankruptcy – what might happen to your job, what money you can claim and how much you could be paid.
Supporting employees through workplace change
Support and advice for employees and employers going through workplace change.
Restructuring and workplace change
Employers who plan to make changes that could affect employees’ jobs must give reasons and follow a fair process. Learn about workplace change and specific situations like when a business is sold.