Preventing bullying, harassment and discrimination
Preventing bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace starts with building the right culture and developing appropriate policies.
Bullying at work
Bullying at work is a serious health and safety breach. It is a form of misconduct and must be dealt with responsibly.
Harassment at work
Sexual, racial and other forms of harassment are serious issues that employers must properly investigate and act on.
The law protects all people from unlawful discrimination in the workplace.
If you feel bullied, harassed or discriminated against
If you think you are being bullied or harassed or discriminated against at work, you can deal with the matter yourself, ask someone to help informally, or make a formal complaint.
Dealing with bullying, harassment and discrimination
Bullying, harassment, and discrimination are issues requiring careful handling. Both employers and employees should know their rights, responsibilities and options.
Bullying, harassment and discrimination
Learn about preventing and dealing with bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace.