
Pay and employment equity review process

Use this review process to assess whether your organisation’s pay and rewards, and participation in job types and levels are affected by gender.

The review process gathers information to identify what is working well, and identifies opportunities to progress pay and employment equity for women. This process is clear and involves employees, employers and unions. It will also help identify any differences in men’s and women’s experiences of respect and fairness.

This content provides general advice on understanding and addressing gender-based pay issues in a workplace. It may help both equal pay and pay equity issues. However, the content may be further reviewed and more information will be added.

Outline of the review process for the business

Stage 1: Preparation

Find a project manager to help with the process, and form a representative committee with employees and managers. Send communications to employees and unions (if there is a unionised workforce in place) to tell them about the review.

  • Encourage employees and managers to participate.
  • Survey employees.
  • Analyse payroll and HR data.
  • Analyse the employee survey results to discuss with committee.
  • Train the committee.

Stage 2: The review report

Produce a 4-chapter review report.

  • Chapter 1: creates a gender profile of the organisation and identifies important gender issues.
  • Chapter 2: explains important gender differences.
  • Chapter 3: plans for moving towards gender equity by addressing the issues identified including a plan for implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Chapter 4: describes and evaluates the review process.

Stage 3: Implementation

Once the organisation has developed its review report and plan to progress with implementation of pay equity, regular progress reporting to employees and the chief executive will help to maintain focus and momentum.

Pay equity process and claims

To request or submit pay equity comparator information, and for information about the process for pay equity claims, go to:

Pay equity comparator information

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  • Written for: Employers
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