Minimum wage
Minimum wage rates apply to all employees aged 16 and over.
Holidays and leave pay
Find out about pay for annual holidays, public holidays and other types of leave.
Types of pay
There are different types of pay, including wages, salary, commission or piece rates. How and when an employee will be paid should be recorded in the employment agreement.
An allowance is an extra payment on top of the employee’s regular pay for something specific related to their job, for example, travel costs or training. There is no legal requirement for an employer to provide an allowance.
Employers can generally only take money out of employee’s pay (make a deduction) if it is required by law, (such as PAYE tax), they have the employee’s written consent or for overpayments (in specific circumstances).
Pay periods and paydays
When and how often an employee is paid, for example, weekly, fortnightly or monthly, varies between workplaces. The employment agreement or a workplace policy should say when payday is.
If employees do not get a payslip or it does not have enough information, they can ask their employer for the information they want.
Final pay
When an employee stops working for an employer, their last pay must include their final wages, all the holiday pay they’re entitled to, and any other payments owing.
Setting pay, pay reviews and pay rises
An employee’s pay is set by agreement between the employee and the employer – as long as it's at least the relevant minimum wage and meets the requirements of the employment agreement.
Pay and wages
Employees work in exchange for some form of payment. Pay can include wages, salary, commission and piece rates.