
Franchisor’s approach to ethical and sustainable work practices

Information for franchisors about assuring ethical and sustainable work practices in your franchise.

Your role as a franchisor

Franchising relies on a good relationship between you and your franchisees. Your success depends on your franchisee’s success, and vice-versa.

Since franchisees use your brand, the public sees you and your franchisees as part of a big organisation. Anything that one franchisee does reflects on the whole franchise’s reputation. Breaches of will have a negative impact on your brand and affect all within the franchise.

A Guide for Franchisors [PDF, 1.9 MB]

Franchise processes

You should have processes in place to ensure that all franchisees comply with New Zealand legislation. These should be standardised and documented centrally by franchise management and applied so that all franchisees will implement and act on them correctly.

You could use the following information to help assure ethical and sustainable work practices in your franchise models.

Managing risks throughout the life of the franchise contract

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