Managing parental leave as an employer
As an employer, you need to know your parental leave obligations, how to support employees taking parental leave – and how to manage the impacts to your business while you have employees on parental leave.
Taking parental leave
If you’re having a baby or becoming the primary carer of a child under the age of 6, and you meet the work requirements, you can take unpaid parental leave from your job. You may also be able to get parental leave payments from the government.
Types of parental leave
There are 4 main types of parental leave — primary carer leave, partner’s leave, extended leave, and negotiated carer leave. The type an employee can take will depend on their circumstances.
If you’re self-employed
New parents who are self-employed (including contractors) are eligible for parental leave payments if they meet the requirements – but they do not qualify for parental leave entitlements.
Parental leave
Employees may be able to take leave from work to care for their new child.